Conduct and Discipline

Conduct and Discipline Team

The Conduct and Discipline Team acts as the principal adviser to the Head of Mission in addressing conduct and discipline issues. It advises establishing measures to prevent misconduct, promote compliance with United Nations standards of conduct and ensure corrective action is taken when misconduct occurs.


What is expected from the behaviour of persons working for the United Nations Verification Mission in Colombia? 

It is expected that they:

  • Have Zero Tolerance to Sexual Exploitation and Abuse:
    • Do not offer work, money or goods in exchange for sex.
    • Do not hire prostitution services.
    • Do not have sex with people under 18
  • Do not abuse alcohol
  • Do not consume any type of drugs
  • Do not participate in illegal activities
  • Act with impartiality and respect to the actors of the peace process
  • Respect local culture and beliefs.
  • Respect Colombian Laws

How and where to report acts of misconduct?

a. At the Conduct and Discipline Office of the UN Verification Mission in Colombia:

b. Directly to the United Nations Headquarters in New York:



Who can report?

Anyone, whether working with the United Nations or not, can report to the reporting channels described above. However, it is essential to note that UN staff must report misconduct.

Is it possible to make anonymous reports? 

To protect whistle-blowers, the organization accepts anonymous reports, which are investigated in the same manner as all other reports.

Sometimes, the information received in anonymous reports is minimal; however, this does not affect the fact that they are investigated with the same seriousness and depth.

Anonymous complaints are also those in which the complainants, while identifying themselves, request anonymity for various reasons.


Complaints about misconduct must contain, as far as possible, the following information:

  • What happened exactly?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Who are the persons of the Mission involved (name, category of personnel, position, place of work and other information that allows identifying the presumed subject)?
  • Who can be possible witnesses to the incident (name, place, contact information)?
  • Name and contact information of the complainant

Important: All information provided is strictly confidential.

Download here all the information 



Anti-fraud and anti-corruption

As stated in Administrative Instruction ST/IC/2016/25, the Secretariat takes a zero-tolerance approach to fraud and corruption involving its staff members, other personnel and third parties concerning their work with the Secretariat. All allegations of fraudulent acts committed by any individual or entity involved in a contractual relationship with the Organization will be vigorously pursued.

Fraud encompasses any act or omission whereby an individual or entity knowingly misrepresents or conceals a material fact to obtain an undue benefit or advantage for himself, herself, itself or a third party or to cause another to act to his or her detriment. Corruption encompasses any act or omission that misuses official authority or seeks to influence the misuse of official authority to obtain an undue benefit for oneself or a third party.


Outside Employment and Activities

Outside activities, whether paid or unpaid, are regulated in the Staff Rules and Regulations 1.2(o) and ST/IC/2006/30.

Outside Activities are not part of a staff member’s official duties/functions.  Consequently, a staff member engaged in an outside activity is not acting as a UN official. These activities are undertaken in his/her capacity, on his/her own time and at his/her own expense.  Since outside activities have the potential to call into question the independence and impartiality of the staff member or reflect adversely on the Organization, they require prior approval.

Failure to obtain prior approval could result in disciplinary action.

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